Dog Breed
Braque Saint-Germain

- Full Name
- Braque Saint-Germain
- Your PupScore
- Take the best dog breed quiz to get your Pup Scores!
- Life Span
- 12 - 15 years
- Weight
- 40 - 57 pounds
- Description
Affectionate, Sociable, Companionable, Passionate, Trainable, Familial
- Origin
- France
- Bred For
- Hunting Dog
- Attachments
- FCI Breed Standard
- Family Considerations
- Overall Ease of Breed
- Personality
- Home and Environment Considerations
- Physical Characteristics
Child Friendly
Is the Braque Saint-Germain good with children?
Ratings overview
Stranger Friendly
Is the Braque Saint-Germain friendly with strangers?
Ratings overview
Dog Friendly
Is the Braque Saint-Germain friendly with other dogs?
Ratings overview
Likes to Cuddle
Does the Braque Saint-Germain like to cuddle?
Ratings overview
Does the Braque Saint-Germain like to play?
Ratings overview
Service Dog Ability
Does the Braque Saint-Germain make a good service dog?
Ratings overview
Ease for Novice
Is the Braque Saint-Germain good for first-time owners?
Ratings overview
Training Potential
How well can the Braque Saint-Germain be trained?
Ratings overview
Amount of Shedding
Does the Braque Saint-Germain shed a lot?
Ratings overview
Ease of Grooming
Is the Braque Saint-Germain easy to groom?
Ratings overview
Exercise Need
Does the Braque Saint-Germain need a lot of exercise?
Ratings overview
How smart is the Braque Saint-Germain?
Ratings overview
Amount of Barking
How much does the Braque Saint-Germain bark? Does the Braque Saint-Germain bark too much?
Ratings overview
Guard Dog Ability
Is the Braque Saint-Germain a good guard dog?
Ratings overview
Tolerates Being Alone
Is the Braque Saint-Germain good at staying alone? Is the Braque Saint-Germain independent?
Ratings overview
Good for Apartment Living
Is the Braque Saint-Germain a good apartment dog?
Ratings overview
How big is the Braque Saint-Germain?
Ratings overview
Tolerates Heat
How much does the Braque Saint-Germain tolerate hot weather? When is it too hot for a Braque Saint-Germain?
Ratings overview
Tolerates Cold
How much does the Braque Saint-Germain tolerate cold weather? When is it too cold for a Braque Saint-Germain?
Ratings overview
Potential to Run Away
Does the Braque Saint-Germain try to run away?
Ratings overview
General Health
Is the Braque Saint-Germain a healthy dog? The health of a Braque Saint-Germain should be measured not just by how many years they live, but also by how many health issues they've had. It is important to know which health conditions your breed is prone to- hip problems, eye problems, bloating, and arthritis are all common dog health problems.
Ratings overview
Energy Level
How energetic is the Braque Saint-Germain?
Ratings overview
Amount of Drooling
How much does the Braque Saint-Germain drool?
Ratings overview
Prey Drive
Does the Braque Saint-Germain have a large prey drive? Does the Braque Saint-Germain like to chase birds, cats, and other small animals?
Ratings overview
Is the Braque Saint-Germain atheltic?
Ratings overview
- Uncategorized
- Braque Saint-Germain
The Braque Saint-Germain is a purebred dog that falls within the larger Uncategorized dog breed group.
Uncategorized group: This dog is unique! It is not characterized into any of the dog breed groups.
The truth is, there really is no perfect way to categorize dog breeds. Dog breeds have changed drastically with time; not only because they are used less and less for work, and increasingly for home companionship, but also because today's dogs are being mixed more frequently than in the past. Typically an uncategorized dog could go into two or more groups just as easily, so it is more accurate to leave it as 'uncategorized'.
Braque Saint-Germains for adoption
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