Frequently asked questions for Dog Shelters
For more information, visit our full 'How it Works' page for dog shelters.
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.
Also, here is the general FAQ for interested dog owners.
What is Dog World?
Dog World Fresh is the healthiest dog food available. We source fresh ingredients, and then cook the meals by hand in small batches, just as if we were cooking a meal for ourselves.
We are also the first dog food subscription which pledges 10% of all profits towards dog shelters and rescues. Dog World not only donates to dog shelters, but partners with them to give their dogs extra exposure, and more likelihood for adoption.
We are also the first dog food subscription which pledges 10% of all profits towards dog shelters and rescues. Dog World not only donates to dog shelters, but partners with them to give their dogs extra exposure, and more likelihood for adoption.
What is the Dog World Pledge and how does it help dog rescues?
The Dog World Pledge is core to our mission. We are allocating 10% of all our profits from fresh dog food sales, to directly support dog rescue and shelter efforts. For more information, visit our full 'How it Works' page for dog shelters.
How can dog shelters benefit from a partnership with Dog World?
Dog World helps dog rescues and shelters in 3 key ways:
1. By giving your dogs extra visibility and therefore maximizing opportunities for adoption.
2. By providing you with the tools to succede, and ensuring your dogs go to the best homes. In your dashboard you will be able to see a waitlist of applicants. These applicants have submitted a government issued ID, a detailed profile, and a credit card deposit. This transparency allows you to have trust in the homes that your dogs will be going to.
3. Through financial support. On your profile page there will be a button which makes it easy for anyone to support your shelter. In addition, our top partners will have the opportunity to receive donations from our general Dog World Pledge (10% of profits from sales of fresh dog food)
For more information, visit our full 'How it Works' page for dog shelters.
1. By giving your dogs extra visibility and therefore maximizing opportunities for adoption.
2. By providing you with the tools to succede, and ensuring your dogs go to the best homes. In your dashboard you will be able to see a waitlist of applicants. These applicants have submitted a government issued ID, a detailed profile, and a credit card deposit. This transparency allows you to have trust in the homes that your dogs will be going to.
3. Through financial support. On your profile page there will be a button which makes it easy for anyone to support your shelter. In addition, our top partners will have the opportunity to receive donations from our general Dog World Pledge (10% of profits from sales of fresh dog food)
For more information, visit our full 'How it Works' page for dog shelters.
What information can I see from my adoption applicants?
In order for an applicant to be submitted onto your waitlist there are several pre-requisits. They must submit a government-issued ID, have completed their profile / questionnaire, and have submitted a credit card deposit.
Viewing an applicant's detailed profile will give you insights into the sort of living environment they are in, their job, their previous experience with dogs, and more. There is a standard questionnaire that all applicants must fill out, but if you have additional questions you would like to ask you can include those as well.
The credit card deposit not only ensures a clean and timely payment of the adoption fees, but also filters out for adoption parents who are truly committed. This saves the shelter time, so that they can focus on providing the best environment for their dogs.
Viewing an applicant's detailed profile will give you insights into the sort of living environment they are in, their job, their previous experience with dogs, and more. There is a standard questionnaire that all applicants must fill out, but if you have additional questions you would like to ask you can include those as well.
The credit card deposit not only ensures a clean and timely payment of the adoption fees, but also filters out for adoption parents who are truly committed. This saves the shelter time, so that they can focus on providing the best environment for their dogs.
Do I get to choose who on my waitlist can adopt?
Yes of course. Your waitlist will be ordered by date, so hopefully those who inquire first will be given priority, but ultimately you get the final decision. You can communicate with them directly through your dashboard. Ofentimes if an applicant may not be a good fit with a certain dog, or their first choice of dog has gone to another family, there will be another available dog that can be an excellent fit.
Can we still charge an adoption fee through Dog World?
Yes of course. Shelters are encouraged to still include their regular adoption fees that they normally would. All payments happen through the Dog World platform, and 100% of the adoption fee is sent to the dog shelter.
How do dog shelters partner with Dog World?
Typically we partner with dog shelters through referrals. However, if you are a dog rescue or shelter that is interested, please reach out to us, we would love to hear from you.